They Were Filming On Mt. Etna In Italy. What Happened Next Could've Been Deadly

Have you ever watched those behind-the-scenes videos of film crews standing a few feet from wild grizzlies or plunging into the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean? Seeing how all of our favorite documentaries are made is a pretty incredible experience, if not a nail-biting one. Fortunately, they usually go according to plan...but that wasn't the case for these BBC filmmakers who were recording on Italy's Mount Etna. Lest you forget, that's an active volcano.Because Mother Nature doesn't give a damn about our TV specials, she went ahead and gave these filmmakers, tourists, and scientists the shock of a lifetime...

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They Were Filming On Mt. Etna In Italy. What Happened Next Could've Been Deadly They Were Filming On Mt. Etna In Italy. What Happened Next Could've Been Deadly Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, March 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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