20 People Who Took Signs TOO Literally

Are you one of those law-obeying, always-punctual perfectionists? Do you do everything you’re told by the authorities, even if the authority comes in a form of street signs? If you are, there’s a good chance you’ll see a picture of yourself down below.
Here are 20 people who took signs way too literally. Have fun!



1. No girls allowed!
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2. That’s some genius bridge design…
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3. To be fair, at least it’s not “drive-thru butcher shop with sharp knives and meat hooks”, it’s a pharmacy.
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4. Either way this sign is really freaking clever (TM)
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5. You’re the boss, road sign!
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6. Looks like this bagpipin’ Darth Vader on a unicycle’s got you covered, Portland.
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7. Stop lying, Mr. street sign!
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Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2obaX1I

20 People Who Took Signs TOO Literally 20 People Who Took Signs TOO Literally Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, April 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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