She's A Badass CEO Now, But Wait Until You See Where She Was Just A Few Years Ago

For someone who doesn't know her story, 32-year-old Kylie Travers likely appears as if she's always led a life full of success. After all, she's a writer, speaker, mom, the founder of a successful company, and an award-winning CEO. But some would never guess that the Melbourne, Australia, resident and her two daughters, Mele and Halia, were living in a garage around eight years ago. How she was able to turn her life around is simply inspiring. After leaving her husband over the Christmas and New Year holidays in 2009, Travers and her little girls became homeless. "Almost a year...

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She's A Badass CEO Now, But Wait Until You See Where She Was Just A Few Years Ago She's A Badass CEO Now, But Wait Until You See Where She Was Just A Few Years Ago Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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