The planning behind Fyre Festival, broken down by the numbers


The Fyre Festival is the debacle that keeps debacling.

On Wednesday, Vice News released new information about the behind-the-scenes planning, or rather lack thereof, that went into Fyre Festival, speaking with former employees who worked on the festival as well as venders who were involved with the event.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the entire process was one big mess. Led by entrepredouche Billy McFarland, Fyre Festival organizers blew way too much money on Instagram models, didn't start real planning until way too late, and also didn't pay half the people they contracted. In short, Fyre Festival's catastrophic failure could have been seen coming from months away. Read more...

More about Ja Rule, Billy Mcfarland, Fyre Festival, Conversations, and Watercooler

COntributer : Mashable

The planning behind Fyre Festival, broken down by the numbers The planning behind Fyre Festival, broken down by the numbers Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, May 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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