White House devises bizarre (and bogus) legal excuse for leaving major climate treaty


Breaking news: The Trump White House is not exactly home to the best and the brightest legal minds. This much was clear starting with the first "Muslim Ban," which courts swiftly struck down, and it's still the case when it comes to reports about why Trump is poised to pull the U.S. out of the landmark Paris Climate Agreement. 

In fact, your future and the futures of generations of people on this planet may come down to how the Trump administration chooses to interpret one sentence in this 25-page international agreement.   

Scholars specializing in climate law say one possible way of interpreting the language of the Paris Climate Agreement is actually flat-out wrong. Trouble is, that's the interpretation that has gained favor at the White House, according to numerous media reports. Read more...

More about Warmest Year, International Law, Trump Administration, Donald Trump, and Paris Agreement

COntributer : Mashable http://ift.tt/2pDWsrv

White House devises bizarre (and bogus) legal excuse for leaving major climate treaty White House devises bizarre (and bogus) legal excuse for leaving major climate treaty Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, May 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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