A new Alexa skill will help you set the mood. Oh, and buy condoms.


Ever find yourself in an intimate moment and wish you had a hands-free way to add a little music to enhance the mood?

That’s what SKYN condoms wants to offer you with their new skill for Amazon’s Alexa. It’s called Set the Mood, and it’s got a variety of playlists perfect for your next sexy occasion. It’s not the only way to use your Echo to create a certain ambiance of course.

The company says they’re meant to "conceptualize the feeling of SKYN condoms in the form of curated playlists." So if you’ve ever wanted to hear how a condom feels, now’s your chance. All you need to do is add the skill, and then you start by asking Alexa to "set the mood." Read more...

More about Music, Amazon Echo, Condoms, Playlists, and Alexa Skills

COntributer : Mashable http://ift.tt/2sKIOC5

A new Alexa skill will help you set the mood. Oh, and buy condoms. A new Alexa skill will help you set the mood. Oh, and buy condoms. Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, June 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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