The Old Bud Lightad that was banned in 2010 is back and making rounds

Though the commercial you are about to watch below was banned back in 2010, it has resurfaced again and it is now going viral.

The ad is named Clothing Drive and has a lot in common with the famous Swear Jar advertisement. The setting of the ad was in a typical corporate environment. It features one female employee called Sarah, who decides to set up a clothing drive. She goes ahead and give her co-workers Bud light for any clothing brought. A beer is on offer for any piece of clothing that is brought on board.

Funny enough, no employee goes home for his or her old clothes. They are ready to get Bud Light for the clothing they are wearing. Even the boss of the company welcomes the madness.

There is nothing to fear about nudity while watching this video since it has been covered by a black bar. I am sure you are going to enjoy the whole madness while you watch the clip below.

N/B: this content may appear inappropriate to some viewers!

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The Old Bud Lightad that was banned in 2010 is back and making rounds The Old Bud Lightad that was banned in 2010 is back and making rounds Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, July 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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