Here are the ages you peak at everything throughout life

Aging can seem like a scary prospect, but a wealth of scientific studies have found that youth isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are plenty of cases in which human beings peak well into middle and old age.

Teenagers may have vitality on their side, but older people are generally more psychologically stable. And so it goes with several phenomena people experience as they age.

Age you peak at everything

Many of the points mark the middle of an age range that scientists have identified, which means they are all determined by averages. Some are also surveys, not controlled trials, so there is a possibility the self-reports don't capture the most accurate picture.

But in many cases, the numbers keep cropping up for a reason, which is that life isn't a downhill slide from youth.

Here's what you have to look forward to.

Meghan Bartels contributed to an earlier version of this article.

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Learning a second language is easiest when you're about 7 or 8.

Linguists and psychologists are still arguing about this one, but it's commonly accepted that learning a second language is easier for most people when they're younger, generally before puberty.

Brain processing power peaks at 18.

One of the key ways cognitive scientists test your brain's processing power is through what's called a digit symbol coding test — they equate a number with a certain symbol, then give you a string of numbers and ask you to convert them to the correct symbols.

On average, 18-year-olds fare best on the task, according to a study published in 2016.

The ability to remember unfamiliar names peaks at about 22.

We've all been there: You just met someone new, and their name went in one ear and out the other. It turns out that's least likely to happen when you're 22 or so, according to a 2010 study.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Contributer : Tech Insider
Here are the ages you peak at everything throughout life Here are the ages you peak at everything throughout life Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, October 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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