Here's the badass grime recap of 'The Walking Dead' you never knew you needed


When a TV show reaches its eighth season, there's a whole lot of stuff to remember. A reminder of all the key plot points is essential.

But ordinary, non-musical recaps are pretty boring, right? Who wants to sit through one of them?

Well, good news: in the run-up to Season 8 of The Walking Dead, NOW TV has released a grime-themed recap featuring MC Bugzy Malone. 

You have to admit, it's pretty darn catchy.

More about Music, Uk, The Walking Dead, Grime, and The Walking Dead Recap

COntributer : Mashable

Here's the badass grime recap of 'The Walking Dead' you never knew you needed Here's the badass grime recap of 'The Walking Dead' you never knew you needed Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, October 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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