Stop reading what Facebook tells you to read


An open memo, to all marginally-smart people/consumers of internet "content": 


Some questions. Do you...

  • Want the internet to be better in 2018? 

  • Want your favorite media outlets to survive 2018? 

  • Want the proliferation of "fake news" (both the now-meaningless phrase and actual bullshit news) to stop?

  • Actually care about deep, true reporting?

  • Actually care about local writing and reporting?

  • Actually care about writing that isn't written for the sole purpose of some mouthbreathing third-cousin on Facebook to post on their news feed in an attempt to say something about themselves and their beliefs? Read more...

More about Facebook, Media, Rants, Tech, and Media Industry

COntributer : Mashable

Stop reading what Facebook tells you to read Stop reading what Facebook tells you to read Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, December 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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