Snorklers Capture Amazing Video When They Encounter A Baby Humpback Whale

Whales are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet. With a just a few exceptions, they're gentle giants who roam the seas reminding us just how small we are. Recently, a group of snorkelers off the coast of Costa Rica were swimming when they noticed a baby humpback whale approaching them. They were excited, but they stayed calm and let the whale dictate their interaction. It splashed around a little bit and even let one diver touch its mouth. The experience was all captured on video, and the snorkelers described it as a "privilege." "We never saw the...

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Snorklers Capture Amazing Video When They Encounter A Baby Humpback Whale Snorklers Capture Amazing Video When They Encounter A Baby Humpback Whale Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, February 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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