This Video Shows How Everyone Snaps the Same Instagram Travel Photos

While traveling in Rome, photographer Oliver KMIA discovered how popular tourist spots were crowded with tourists fighting to shoot their own precious personal photo. He later scoured Instagram and created this 2-minute video, titled “Instravel,” which shows a “photogenic mass tourism experience” and how so many of our travel photos look exactly like other people’s.

“I was shocked by the mass of people walking all around the city, yet I was one of them, not better or worst,” KMIA writes. “Like all these tourists, I burned hundred of gallons of fuel to get there, rushed to visit the city in a few days and stayed in a hotel downtown.”

The ironic thing about this video was that KMIA was himself inspired by the music video for the song “Clichés” by Hiérophante, which has the same exact concept. Hiérophante, in turn, said his video was “cliché” and also inspired by others.

(via Oliver KMIA via DPReview)

Contributer : PetaPixel
This Video Shows How Everyone Snaps the Same Instagram Travel Photos This Video Shows How Everyone Snaps the Same Instagram Travel Photos Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, February 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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