Google Maps wants to be the only app you need for your commute


Google Maps is streamlining your commute. 

Several new features arrived in the app today that will make it easier to multitask while you're commuting. The updates are all about keeping you in the Google Maps mobile app while getting to work in your car, on the train, bus, or even on foot. Here's a quick rundown of the updates:

Musical Maps

Instead of toggling between Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music to listen to your favorite playlist while you slog through traffic or hang to a strap on a crowded bus, the Google Maps app now integrates with all of those music players. Read more...

More about Google, Google Maps, Maps, Apps And Software, and Commute

COntributer : Mashable

Google Maps wants to be the only app you need for your commute Google Maps wants to be the only app you need for your commute Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, October 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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