Watch Natalie Portman's stirring "Power of Women" speech


On Friday evening, Natalie Portman delivered a stirring speech at Variety's "Power of Women" event that resonated beyond the audience as video of the speech spread across the internet, delivering the message of "Time's Up." 

Beginning with a blistering condemnation of Harvey Weinstein — "Harvey Weinstein, the man whose name has become synonymous with 'serial rapist,' might never suffer any legal consequences" — Portman transitioned to a discussion on the lack of gender parity in the entertainment industry and beyond. 

More about Entertainment, Celebrities, Activism, Natalie Portman, and Time S Up

COntributer : Mashable

Watch Natalie Portman's stirring "Power of Women" speech Watch Natalie Portman's stirring "Power of Women" speech Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, October 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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