Drone discovers a Hawaiian plant that was thought to be extinct


Hey there, Hibiscadelphus woodii. How you been?

The plant, which is also known as "Wood's hau kuahiwi" and was thought to be extinct, is apparently still around and possibly even flourishing in its native Hawaii. Researchers for the National Tropical Botanical Garden on the island of Kauai made the discovery with a little help from a drone.

Three of the plants were spotted in footage captured by a drone that was sent out to explore Kalalau Valley. The remote region of Kauai is known for its biodiversity, thanks to cliffs that make the region inaccessible to the humans and goats that pose a threat to local plant life. Read more...

More about Science, Hawaii, Extinct, Science, and Climate Environment

COntributer : Mashable http://bit.ly/2DmhOQo

Drone discovers a Hawaiian plant that was thought to be extinct Drone discovers a Hawaiian plant that was thought to be extinct Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, April 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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