'God of War: Raising Kratos' doc looks at how the biggest game of 2018 got made


Sony Santa Monica's critically and commercially acclaimed 2018 hit God of War is going to be the subject of a "making of" documentary.

It's a Sony production, so it's reasonable to expect the rosiest possible picture. But this trailer for Raising Kratos hypes a feature-length documentary look at the intricate development process that fuels a modern-day video game blockbuster.

Best of all: it's a no-cost deep dive into that process. There isn't a release date, but Sony promises a PlayStation YouTube channel debut for Raising Kratos "soon." Read more...

More about Entertainment, Film, Gaming, God Of War, and Sony Santa Monica

COntributer : Mashable http://bit.ly/2VXL3QK

'God of War: Raising Kratos' doc looks at how the biggest game of 2018 got made 'God of War: Raising Kratos' doc looks at how the biggest game of 2018 got made Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, April 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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