Andrew Yang’s Son Said The Most Touching Thing During the Debate

Andrew Yang dominated Tuesday night’s Democratic debate while defending his “Freedom Dividend” and discussing job loss and automation, but nothing beats his number one fan — his younger son.

Yang may be running for president in 2020, but he never fails to mention his wife of nine years, Evelyn, and their two sons during the debates.

“Senator Sanders’ description of a federal jobs guarantee does not take into account the work of people like my wife, who’s at home with our two boys, one of whom is autistic,” the 44-year-old entrepreneur said in Westerville, Ohio, pushing his $1,000 per month universal basic income (UBI) proposal.

His 4-year-old son is giving that love back to his dad. In a video shared on Yang’s Twitter page, the boy chimed in with his final thoughts:

“We’re so proud of you, daddy. We love you. Good job,” he said before returning to his iPad.

In a follow-up tweet, Yang relayed what his sons thought about the other candidates:

“He’s 4. Watches from home as does most of my family. Doesn’t really understand what the President is,” Yang told NextShark.

The #YangGang could not handle the cuteness overload:

The post Andrew Yang’s Son Said The Most Touching Thing During the Debate appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Andrew Yang’s Son Said The Most Touching Thing During the Debate Andrew Yang’s Son Said The Most Touching Thing During the Debate Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, October 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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