Beijing Police Are Allegedly Euthanizing All Large Dogs After Sudden Ban

A district in southeastern Beijing has banned dogs taller than 35 centimeters (13.78 inches), leaving some owners with no choice but to send them off to be euthanized.

The ban, which came into effect on Dec. 5, requires residents in Tongzhou to “dispose” of their pets within three days, according to Chinese-language news outlets.


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據報北京市飼主為了不要讓愛犬慘死公安棍棒下,狗狗紛紛送到寵物醫院安樂死🐕 『中國為了落實「文明養犬」的理想,在許多省份制定「養犬令」,規定養犬隻數、遛狗時間等,甚至在一些重點管理區域會禁止飼養大型犬,但最近北京市在非重點管理區頒布最新「養犬管理規定」,要求居民禁止飼養體高超過35公分的大型犬,並限制3日內自行撲殺,未處理者將遭到開罰,導致北京市內寵物醫院爆發安樂死潮。 綜合媒體報導,北京市通州區5日發布一則通知顯示,按照北京市養犬管理規定,通州區所有樓房一律不得飼養身高超過35公分的大型犬,限3日內自行處置,3日後派出所將聯合通州公安分局治安支隊進行檢查,一經發現,沒收其犬,並對犬主人進行處罰。 綠黨在臉書上表示,由於官方上門查訪、抄狗的頻率越來越高,許多飼主為避免愛犬被查獲直接遭棍棒打死,哭著帶著愛犬到寵物醫院安樂死,各大寵物醫院因此爆發「安樂死潮」。微博上更有飼主因為無法負擔寵物安樂死費用,只能自己悶死或打死愛犬,但民眾敢怒卻不敢言。 當地警方表示,自2019年11月份以來,經常接到投訴電話,某地區部分業主反映有人違規飼養大型犬,出現遛狗不拴犬繩、隨處便溺等不文明養犬現象。警方根據2006年通州區實施《北京市養犬管理規定》規定的通知,通州區內的樓房屬於重點管理轄區管理,不能養大型犬、烈性犬。警方強調,在上述《文明養犬告知書》中所規定的3天時間,是用於將犬從重點管理區遷移到非重點區域進行安置,並非要求業主對犬進行「安樂死」。 雖然警方否認將大型犬、烈性犬安樂死,但微信公眾號「Calipaw加利愛寵」撰文指出,自從這條慘無人道,沒有人性的管理規定出台以來,寵物醫院安樂死的狗狗已經排成長龍,因為飼主為了不要讓狗兒狗女慘死棍棒之下,別無選擇。為了讓這些中國大型犬躲過死劫,Calipaw加利愛寵徵求近期要搭乘國際航班,從北京飛往美國洛杉磯、舊金山的民眾,作為飛行志願者攜帶犬隻出國。 』 ●來源:孔雀大師 #依法養犬 #安樂死 #社會信用評分 #LIHKG

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Dog owners who fail to comply reportedly face punishment from public security officials.

So far, those unable to save their pets have allegedly scrambled to veterinary hospitals to put them down, resulting in a euthanasia “outbreak,” according to Liberty Times Net.

Some pet owners have reportedly criticized authorities in Tongzhou for the “inhumane” policy.

“This means Golden Retrievers, Samoyeds, Huskies and other large dogs will all be killed,” an anonymous tipster alleged in a message to NextShark. “If the owners fail to ‘dispose’ them, public security will come to collect their dogs and beat them to death in public.”

The source added, “On Weibo, some owners [said they] can’t afford to euthanize their dogs, so they suffocate or beat them to death. The owners had no choice because they did not want their dogs [to be] killed by police.”

NextShark could not verify the claims of the tipster.

Tongzhou authorities issue “Civilized Dog Breeding” notice on Dec. 5, 2019.

In response to the negative reaction, Tongzhou police explained that the ban is actually part of an existing list of “dog management regulations,” which explicitly prohibit raising dogs taller than 35 centimeters (13.78 inches).

The regulations, which first took effect in October 2003, banned dogs of such height in Beijing’s “key management areas” or districts that “make up the heart of the capital,” according to The New York Times.

Specific breeds banned under the regulations include the St. Bernard, Rottweiler, Mastiff, Greyhound, Great Dane, German Shepherd, Dalmatian and Chow-Chow, to name a few.

Relevant government departments also pointed out that their intention is for owners to bring their prohibited pets elsewhere to raise them, not get them killed, according to Sin Chew.

Complaints about large dogs in the district reportedly became frequent in November. At the time, police had given owners the chance to relocate their pets, according to Beijing News.

The situation stayed the same a month later, however, with dog feces being left on other residents’ properties. This forced the local police to issue the Dec. 5 notice.

In August, authorities in Beijing made headlines after banning the walking of dogs in city parks, which reportedly came in a blacklist of “uncivilized behaviors” that included fishing, digging wild vegetables and making loud noises.

“I cannot walk my dog on roads, nor the residential areas,” said Liu Zhe, a resident in Beijing’s Haidian district, according to China Daily. “I usually walked my dog in the park near my home. Sometimes, I run with it, which makes me feel good. Now, I cannot take it to the park. I don’t know where I can be with my dog except at home.”

Feature Images via Liberty Times Net

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Contributer : NextShark

Beijing Police Are Allegedly Euthanizing All Large Dogs After Sudden Ban Beijing Police Are Allegedly Euthanizing All Large Dogs After Sudden Ban Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, December 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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