11 Strange Facts About Your Favorite TV Shows

The medium of television has surely evolved a lot over the last decades. I remember back when my grandmother used to remember not even having a colored television, and a few months ago, I was watching a 3D movie about a doctor that loses mobility in his hands and decides to turn himself into a wizard.
So while the limits of what can be shown on television screens are growing larger and larger, there’s still this weird fascination with people. We still want to lift the veil on some of the greatest mysteries of the shows we watch. We want to know things that happen that don’t show up on the camera and aren’t mentioned in the special edition commentary DVD box set.
Let’s take a look at some interesting behind-the-scenes facts from your favorite TV shows.



American Horror Story
In season four of this awesome horror show, actor Evan Peters bent over in a hospital gown. In doing so, Peters flashed co-stars Sarah Paulson and Jessica Lange. Talk about a weird day at work.



Breaking Bad
While there’s certainly a lot of cursing in Breaking Bad, there was an AMC rule that they were only allowed one f-bomb to be dropped unbleeped every season. And this was already considered to be a huge exception for the show, but let’s be glad they didn’t censor it too much.

You’re expecting me to tell you what the ending means, don’t you? Nobody knows that. What we do know, however, is that the ABC chairman got fired for approving the wickedly expensive 12-million-dollar pilot episode for LOST. It might also be added that he didn’t even read the script before approving this.



The Office
Much like in a real office, whenever the attention wasn’t focused on the actors, they were browsing different web sites on their computers. You know, reading newspapers and ordering stuff from Amazon. That kind of thing.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2kOzJE7

11 Strange Facts About Your Favorite TV Shows 11 Strange Facts About Your Favorite TV Shows Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, February 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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