Top 7 Deadliest Ninja Weapons

There’s a saying that a truly skilled ninja can turn anything into a deadly weapon, no matter if it’s hard or soft, big or small, liquid or solid. You really don’t want to get on their bad side, because one of the following weapons may be the last thing you see. Let’s look at 7 iconic weapons, popularized by Hollywood and Anime, that ninjas have actually used to dispatch their enemies.



The “claws” can deal a lot of damage to someone’s body, if we’re to believe the adventures of a certain Canadian mutant with a beer addiction. I can only imagine what those bad boys can do when used by a skilled ninja! The funny thing is that these “claws” were originally used as harvesting tools. But, even a shoved can become a weapon, even more so the razor-sharp Tekko-Kagi. They were also great for blocking, and ensnaring swords. Let’s just say, if you see these things coming at you – count your blessing and run!



Kakute, or as I like to call them “deadly death rings of excruciating agony… and death”, were more than just a shiny piece of metal. These rings were designed pretty much for one reason – to immobilize opponents, and hit their pressure points. The rings were easy to hide and were usually used for stealth attacks, and sometimes even laced with deadly poison. Just to “double-tap”, as they call it.

Kama literally translates to “sharp curvy blade of terror that will rip your flesh apart and make you bleed out in seconds”. Also, I made that up. Kamas are basically sickles and were originally used to cut grass and reap crops, probably until someone their hand off. Like I said, anything can become a weapon in the right hands, especially if it was a blade.

Contributer Brain Berries

Top 7 Deadliest Ninja Weapons Top 7 Deadliest Ninja Weapons Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, February 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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