Baby Hears Mom's Voice For First Time Since Birth And Warms Everyone's Hearts

Most babies first hear their parents' voices while they're still in the womb. Unfortunately, some who are born deaf may never get to experience that moment -- but luckily for this little boy, that wasn't the case. Little Hunter from Ohio has been hearing impaired all his life and had no idea what his mom's voice sounded like until now. After receiving a pair of hearing aids this month, he reacted in the most adorable way when she asked, "Can you hear mommy?" That's one happy baby! Read More: This Little Girl Receives Hearing Aids, And The Most Incredible Moment...

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Baby Hears Mom's Voice For First Time Since Birth And Warms Everyone's Hearts Baby Hears Mom's Voice For First Time Since Birth And Warms Everyone's Hearts Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, February 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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