You've Never Seen Disney Princesses Quite Like This, But You'll Love It

Have you ever wondered what happened after "happily ever after" in your favorite Disney movies? This artist reimagined everyone's favorite princesses as moms, and the result is stunning! When Massachusetts-based artist and animator Isaiah Stephens was contacted by Cosmopolitan to illustrate Disney princesses as moms and expecting moms, he knew he had a lot to live up to. After all, the only princess we ever saw have a kid was Ariel, and that movie wasn't so great! What he came up with, however, makes me wish these were scenes from real Disney movies. Sleeping Beauty is the kind of badass...

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You've Never Seen Disney Princesses Quite Like This, But You'll Love It You've Never Seen Disney Princesses Quite Like This, But You'll Love It Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, February 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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