'Who Had A Baby!?' -- Mom Coming Off Meds Insists That She Never Gave Birth

Anyone who's been through a surgery or wisdom tooth extraction knows that anesthesia is a wonderful thing, if only because it keeps us feeling good even when we're in tons of pain. With those good vibes, though, come some downright loopy moments...like this one.Tisha was dosed with morphine after she gave birth, and one of the hilarious side effects was that she forgot she had experienced child birth at all! Her husband James, a U.S. Marine, just tries to keep it together while he patiently explains what's happened. At one point, the baby even gets rolled into the room and...

Contributer : ViralNova.com http://ift.tt/2ld8Ryp
'Who Had A Baby!?' -- Mom Coming Off Meds Insists That She Never Gave Birth 'Who Had A Baby!?' -- Mom Coming Off Meds Insists That She Never Gave Birth Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, February 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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