I Have To Sell Viral Viral Videos

Right now this website is being sold by public sale at flippa.com. Sadly I had to go this way to give you the chance to get the best VVV that you deserve! You also do deserve a little statement by me on this topic, I think.

“What, you just bought the site half a year ago!?” many of you may ask. Yes, indeed. And I put a lot of time and effort into it to make it even better than it was before. But in recent times with me having the flu and moving to Berlin, I got to realize that I just don’t have the time to do the site myself the way I intend to. I already am making LangweileDich.net and am part of the team at seriesly AWESOME, another heart project of mine is on hold since I saw the chance to overtake VVV. I have to break myself free, am cutting down a lot of side projects and stuff I was only being able to do half-hearted. That doesn’t mean that I ran VVV only with half of my energy, but I don’t want it to become that way. That’s why it is at auction on flippa.com right now and hopefully gets a new owner that has all the time and energy in the world to make this place even better and give you more and better viral videos than already.

Big love to you all, it has been and is a really great experience I don’t want to have missed. Of course I will provide you with the best viral videos until the day a new owner has overtaken the site.


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I Have To Sell Viral Viral Videos I Have To Sell Viral Viral Videos Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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