This Little Boy Died Because His Nurse Was Stealing His Medication

A caregiver in Michigan is under investigation after she stole Valium from a four-year-patient, leading to his death. To make matters even worse, she's reportedly being investigated in a nearby county for a similar crime. They say addicts will do anything for drugs. I've heard of people prostituting, breaking in to people's homes, and stealing from their grandparents, but what this woman did is a whole new low. Stealing from children is a despicable act in and of itself, but taking life-saving medication from a little boy with cerebral palsy? Unthinkable. Four-year-old Ryley Maue (left) suffered from a severe form...

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This Little Boy Died Because His Nurse Was Stealing His Medication This Little Boy Died Because His Nurse Was Stealing His Medication Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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