Watching A Shark Stalk A Surfer From Above Will Give You Anxiety About The Ocean

Going to the beach usually leads to a relaxing and fun-filled day in the sun. It's important to remember when we dive into the ocean, however, that we're taking a risk by entering someone else's territory. Ocean animals range from adorable to terrifying, but more often than not, we hear about scary monsters lurking in the deep. Great White sharks are the stuff of horror movie legend, but they can also be pretty dangerous in real life. One surfer waiting to catch a wave in Australia had no idea he was being stalked by a Great White until it nearly...

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Watching A Shark Stalk A Surfer From Above Will Give You Anxiety About The Ocean Watching A Shark Stalk A Surfer From Above Will Give You Anxiety About The Ocean Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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