Man Picks A Fight With An Ibex And I Cannot Stop Laughing At Its Response

Getting into a fight with an animal really doesn't sound fun at all, but this guy's experience proves how hilarious the situation can really be. While I don't have the slightest clue what he was saying as he approached an ibex and tried to start a conversation, it's obvious that the goat wasn't pleased at all by what it heard. Turn up your volume and get ready for a good belly laugh, because this furry comedian could seriously make anyone crack up. This is probably the sassiest animal I've ever Read More: They Decided To Let Baby Goats Play...

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Man Picks A Fight With An Ibex And I Cannot Stop Laughing At Its Response Man Picks A Fight With An Ibex And I Cannot Stop Laughing At Its Response Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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