These people were hypnotized into temporary illiteracy to make a powerful point

Reading and writing are so natural to most of us that we pretty much take them for granted.

But not everyone gets the same level of education. In order to make a point about how hard life is for those who haven't been taught basic literacy skills (the video states that 3.6 million refugee children are denied an education, for example), the campaign group ONE took a slightly unconventional approach. It hypnotized a variety of men and women from different backgrounds into temporary illiteracy, then woke them up and filmed the results.

More about Uk, Education, Refugees, Video, and Campaign

COntributer : Mashable

These people were hypnotized into temporary illiteracy to make a powerful point These people were hypnotized into temporary illiteracy to make a powerful point Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, September 15, 2016 Rating: 5

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