Cheese plate in a cone is perfect for people who need their fix, and need it now


There's two annoying things about cheese plates.

The first thing is that they're really delicious. The second is that it's not so easy to carry them around, and if you've got a smaller plate you'll need to keep returning to the platter for more.

Behold the Cheese Cone, here to help with those transportation problems. 

The cone is made with lavash flatbread, and filled with brie, a cranberry and pistachio cheddar, salami, then topped with a spiced pear paste and a breadstick through the middle. The base of the cone also has a "zingy" yoghurt cheese, to help cleanse the palate. Read more...

More about Australia, Food, Culture, Cheese, and Culture

COntributer : Mashable

Cheese plate in a cone is perfect for people who need their fix, and need it now Cheese plate in a cone is perfect for people who need their fix, and need it now Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, June 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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