This Banksy image has been voted the UK's most iconic


One of the most iconic images of our time has sealed its status by being voted the UK's favourite artwork by 2,000 people. 

Banky's mural of a girl releasing a heart-shaped balloon topped a shortlist of 20 works of art compiled by arts editors and writers, according to The Frame National Art Audit.

NEWS: #Banksy's #BalloonGirl has been voted the nation's favourite artwork

— kmfm News (@kmfmnews) July 26, 2017

The image, which was painted on a wall in Shoreditch, East London, in 2002, has beaten John Constable's "The Hay Wain" and Jack Vettriano's "Singing Butler."  Read more...

More about Graffiti, Street Art, Mural, Banksy, and Balloon Girl

COntributer : Mashable

This Banksy image has been voted the UK's most iconic This Banksy image has been voted the UK's most iconic Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, July 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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