Ever Wonder Why You Don't See Great Whites In Aquariums? These Are The Reasons Why

Aquariums can be really powerful forces for good in the world of conservation. They, along with animal water parks like SeaWorld, also showcase aquatic animals the viewing public wouldn't normally get to see. Public perception around keeping large animals like orcas in relatively small tanks for entertainment has quickly shifted after the documentary "Blackfish" exposed some of the abuses that take place. However, doesn't it seem strange that if SeaWorld keeps large orcas and many aquariums house many species of shark, that no one has tried to put a Great White on display? Actually, they have, but each shark has...

Contributer : ViralNova.com http://ift.tt/2wHmb3F
Ever Wonder Why You Don't See Great Whites In Aquariums? These Are The Reasons Why Ever Wonder Why You Don't See Great Whites In Aquariums? These Are The Reasons Why Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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