You can honor Heather Heyer and other Charlottesville heroes starting today


Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old Virginia native, died tragically on Saturday in an incident that has since been described widely as an act of domestic terrorism.

Heyer and thousands of others protesters converged on Charlottesville, Virginia as seemingly every flavor of racist gathered this weekend for a "Unite the Right" rally. And now, one day later, the anti-hate movement across the U.S. is stepping up to gather again, this time in solidarity.

Starting on Saturday night and continuing through Sunday, organized vigils will give distant observers an opportunity to come together and pay tribute to the heroes of Charlottesville. The intent, according to The Indivisible Project, is to "[stand in] solidarity with our brave friends in Charlottesville who put themselves at risk to fight against hatred and white supremacy." Read more...

More about Social Good, Activism, Discrimination, Vigil, and Charlottesville

COntributer : Mashable

You can honor Heather Heyer and other Charlottesville heroes starting today You can honor Heather Heyer and other Charlottesville heroes starting today Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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