This Swedish punk band has released their own font made from urine


Writing your own name in piss has become a lot less disgusting. Or has it?

Swedish punk band Pissjar have released their own typeface, designed by the band in their very own urine. The font was dreamt up for their debut album Apathy and Cheap Thrills.

"[We] decided to go for a record cover that suits the music, with a logo made of piss," state the band on their website, where you can download the font for free. 

"After a couple of hard days of peeing we realized that this could be so much more than a record cover and a couple of T-shirts. It could be what the world deserves – piss." Read more...

More about Fonts, Font, Swedish, Punk, and Urine

COntributer : Mashable

This Swedish punk band has released their own font made from urine This Swedish punk band has released their own font made from urine Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, September 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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