Don't wanna wait for water to boil? Try this clever hack, ya lazy doofus.


A lot of science fiction writers had theories about the future but sadly most of those things aren’t happening anytime soon, but at least we have FaceTime technology.

We may not have flying cars, teleportation, or meals in pill form, but we sure don't have to stand and wait for water to boil like a bunch of peasants. 

One visionary figured out how to use technology to save us from this. 

Twitter user, Justin Hill, posted a hack for the tedious act of watching water boil while making pasta. 

FaceTiming the water so it doesn’t boil over while I’m watching tv in the other room

— Justin (@JustinHillister) October 16, 2017

More about Iphone, Food, Pasta, Hacks, and Facetime

COntributer : Mashable

Don't wanna wait for water to boil? Try this clever hack, ya lazy doofus. Don't wanna wait for water to boil? Try this clever hack, ya lazy doofus. Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, October 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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