There Was So Much Bad News In 2017, But This Guy's Posts Highlight Only The Positive

In 2017, we were constantly bombarded with bad news from what felt like all sides. There are a lot of reasons for this. Studies show that we actually have a preference for bad news. Just think about how positive news stories are treated -- they're called "puff pieces" and mocked. Beyond that, though, it's true that 2017 was a particularly challenging year for the world. There were natural disasters of epic proportions and political unrest both across the globe and here at home. Even if you may have missed it, one man decided to emphasize the positive to finish the...

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There Was So Much Bad News In 2017, But This Guy's Posts Highlight Only The Positive There Was So Much Bad News In 2017, But This Guy's Posts Highlight Only The Positive Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, January 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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