13 Hilarious Valentine’s Day Memes That Will Soothe Your Lonely Soul

Every year on February 14, citizens of the World Wide Web start preparing for what’s to come later in the evening. The entire planet is divided into two camps: those who post pictures of fancy candies and fabulous flower bouquets on Instagram and those who dream of half-off chocolates while posting memes about St.Valentine’s Day.

It’s safe to say that there’s one more camp out there – people who enjoy both the dating part and the memes. That’s you, dear readers! You either laugh at them or with them. And for being awesome like that, we’ve prepared a few hilarious St.Valentine’s Day memes for you!

That moment when Harry Potter predicted your personal future.

Love thyself, beautiful humans, and don’t forget to hydrate.

Some people prefer nagging about their failed love life instead of embracing their freedom.

The best Valentine cards are those that hurt you the most. Like this one!

A little self-reflection never hurt anyone, right?

The post 13 Hilarious Valentine’s Day Memes That Will Soothe Your Lonely Soul appeared first on Brain Berries.

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/39n4Z60

13 Hilarious Valentine’s Day Memes That Will Soothe Your Lonely Soul 13 Hilarious Valentine’s Day Memes That Will Soothe Your Lonely Soul Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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