15 Mind-Blowing Scientific Facts

Hey kids, it’s time for science! Not the Breaking Bad kind of science, but lawful science. The kind of science people win Nobel prizes for. Not the high school, “oh God when am I ever going to use this?” kind of science. I mean, the results are probably more exciting than the research. But let’s assume that nothing beats spending fifteen years of your life doing research in your field of expertise to end up as 1/15th of this article. That’s a life goal if I’ve ever heard of one.
Anyway, let’s take a look how this generation’s boys and girls have forever changed the face of science without doing things like inventing penicillin or discovering radiation. And if these don’t impress you, you probably shouldn’t get a career in science. At all. Seriously, it’s literally in last position on the list of things you should do for a living.



14. Being In Love Has The Same Effect As Cocaine
But cocaine will never leave you heartbroken after cheating on you with your best friend. Think



13. The DNA In Our Body Can Stretch From The Sun to Pluto And Back – 17 times
And after that 17th time, Pluto still won’t be an actual planet.



12. Eating A Polar Bear Liver Will Kill You
You’d overdose from too much vitamin A and from being an asshole that eats polar bears.

11. You Can Have 3 Genetic Parents
Some doctor experimented with combining a nucleus from an egg with another egg and then fertilized it using a guy’s swimmers. I haven’t seen this level of genetic mixing since the Buu Saga in Dragon Ball Z.



10. Humans Walk Around The Earth Five Times During Their Lifetime
I mean, on average. I’ll be glad if I manage walking from home to the liquor store once a week. Aim low, shoot high.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2mMg9dk

15 Mind-Blowing Scientific Facts 15 Mind-Blowing Scientific Facts Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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