Parents Get A Backlash For Getting A Child. The Reason Is Appalling. OMG!

Treacher Collins is a rare facial disfigurement. 30-year –old Simon Moore suffers from the condition. However, that did not stop Simon from falling in love and starting a family.His neighbors and family criticized the couple's decision to have a kid. There was a possibility the child would inherit the genes.  Simon and Vicky ignored all their critics and got a beautiful baby girl. The couple has proved the world wrong by raising their daughter Alice despite the challenges. Alice is the spitting image of her father and suffers from his condition too. The couple says raising their daughter is challenging yet rewarding. In the footage, Vicky shares some of the harsh comments they have been subjected to. Why would anyone criticize the couple for making such a personal decision? What are your thoughts? Please SHARE on Facebook with friends! [video_player]

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Parents Get A Backlash For Getting A Child. The Reason Is Appalling. OMG! Parents Get A Backlash For Getting A Child. The Reason Is Appalling. OMG! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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