When The Dog Abandoned Her Pups, Mother Cat Did THIS. MIND-BLOWING!

Who knew animals also have strong motherly instinct? One cat in South Carolina adopted several puppies after hers died. Miss Kitty gave birth to a litter of puppies on 17th April, 1993. A Few days later, the puppies died. Smoochie, the couple’s dog, gave birth. However, the dog was not interested in the pups. Smooochie spent her days lying around, and dragging her puppies along with her. One day, the couple noticed the puppies were missing. After a thorough search in the neighborhood, someone told them their cat was seen taking the pups in her trailer. Miss Kitty had moved the abandoned pups to a safer location. The vet said there was nothing wrong with Miss Kitty looking after the little dogs. However, the owners were told to encourage Smoochie to feed the pups. Watch the amazing story below and SHARE on Facebook! [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories http://ift.tt/2ntNvh0
When The Dog Abandoned Her Pups, Mother Cat Did THIS. MIND-BLOWING! When The Dog Abandoned Her Pups, Mother Cat Did THIS. MIND-BLOWING! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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