He Opened The Microwave And Placed In Some Soap For 2Seconds, The Result Is Stunning

Place an ivory bar soap in a microwave, and set the timer for two minutes on high heat. Two minutes later, open the door, and you will see some magic. The ivory bar no longer resembles soap, thanks to the expanded molecules. Charles’ Law offers the perfect explanation. Charles was an inventor and French scientist who made a significant contribution to knowledge in the 18th Century. Charles discovered that hydrogen as a lifting agent for balloons. Charles’ law, also known as the law of volumes, says that has gas expands when heated. When the ivory soap is heated up, the molecules expand, and the soap takes up the entire space. Can the soap be used later? Yes. However, it is flaky and delicate. Watch the video for more fascinating science experiments and SHARE on Facebook! [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories http://ift.tt/2n1HxGp
He Opened The Microwave And Placed In Some Soap For 2Seconds, The Result Is Stunning He Opened The Microwave And Placed In Some Soap For 2Seconds, The Result Is Stunning Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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