Careless Driver Causes A Crash. The Victim’s X-Ray Reveals Something Disturbing – Watch!

What is the danger of texting while driving?  One woman shares her horrifying experience. On the April 2011, Aimee was driving down an Alabama road to meet her friends. Aimee’s cruise was cut short when a speeding and text driver hit her. According to the traffic footage, the driver that hit Aimee was driving at 75 mph instead of the stipulated 35mph. To add salt to injury, it took over an hour to pull Aimee from the wreckage. Aimee lost a lot of blood and had to be resuscitated severally on her way to the hospital. Aimee spent four months in thehospital. She has metal on all her limbs. One of her legs is amputated. Additionally, she lost her 6-month unborn child, and the doctors performed a hysterectomy. Years later, Aimee is married and working at a new job. However, she continues to advocate for the dangers of texting and driving. Watch Aimee’s tragic story and SHARE on Facebook. [video_player]

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Careless Driver Causes A Crash. The Victim’s X-Ray Reveals Something Disturbing – Watch! Careless Driver Causes A Crash. The Victim’s X-Ray Reveals Something Disturbing – Watch! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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