30 Spectacular Comic Book Character Cosplays

In the past 10-15 years comic book nerds became quite common, almost mainstream, and these days nobody bullies them for arguing if the Flash is faster than Quicksilver (because of course he is!), or if Wolverine can beat Batman (because of course he can!). These are the kind of topics pretty much everyone, even vaguely familiar with comic books, and comic book movies, like to discuss today. Isn’t it fun to speculate and share knowledge about the fictional worlds and universes as if they’re actual facts, and not just some dude’s creative idea?
Anyway, thanks to the nerds, you, normies, can now witness the awesomeness that is the art of cosplay. You’re welcome. Whenever I see someone nailing a character, even if they took some creative liberties with the design, I can’t help but share that stuff with my friends. And today, just so happens that you’re all my friends, so I’m gonna show you 30 of the most jaw-dropping, ingenious, and boobalicious cosplayers from the “comic book” genre. If these people get the love they deserve, I’ll gladly do other genres, like steam-punk, games, movies/TV, etc., so go ahead and leave a comment about your favorite comic book characters!



1. Okay, lots of people are cosplaying as Iron Man, but not everyone has the guts to combine IM’s armor with Wolverine. Well played!
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2. In one of those parallel universes, Quicksilver is a very attractive little speedster.
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3. No offense to Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, but THIS is how an Amazon should look like.
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4. An Anti-Venom Spider-Gwen? Sign me up!
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5. For some reason she looks like a perfect Phoenix/Jean Grey.
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6. Valkyrie is one of the coolest Asgardians out there, but she’ll look very different in the upcoming Thor movie.
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7. Here, have a searing-hot Spirit of Vengeance!
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8. The only acceptable Harley Quinn cosplay. (JK, love them all to bits)
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9. The Herald of Galactus – Silver Surfer.
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10. Look at those assets! That’s Black Cat for you, ladies and gents.
amazing-comic-book-cosplay (10)

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2m4wWeI

30 Spectacular Comic Book Character Cosplays 30 Spectacular Comic Book Character Cosplays Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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