10 Biggest, Most Devious Marketing Lies Ever

People are so freaking gullible. And sometimes it’s a good thing. Not every other stranger wants to use us for their own secret agenda. In fact, if you open up to the possibilities, most people will think you’re too crazy to be taken advantage of. Either crazy or actually stupid, but who’s going to risk messing with a crazy person, right? Well, turns out, some companies don’t give a sh#t about how crazy you may be. They’re focused on screwing you over, whether you like it or not.
Let’s see these 10 devious marketing lies that are almost impossible to forgive.



1. Is this supposed to be a pizza slice? It looks like a freaking key-chain!
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2. “Two scoops” they said… Ant-scoops maybe!
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3. Skimping out on raisins of all things? You disgust me!
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4. This is why I have trust issues.
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Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2pj29vT

10 Biggest, Most Devious Marketing Lies Ever 10 Biggest, Most Devious Marketing Lies Ever Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, April 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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