There's Teaching History, And Then There's This Garbage. Their Lesson Was Horrifying

Personally, I don't think any good can come from glossing over the ugliest parts of American history. After all, those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. That said, what this New Jersey elementary school tasked fifth graders with doing is beyond inappropriate. Elementary school students learn about slavery at an early age, and for good reason. Without understanding this pivotal part of American history, much of what follows would not make sense. This country was literally built on the backs of slave labor and the degradation of an entire race, and anyone who tries...

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There's Teaching History, And Then There's This Garbage. Their Lesson Was Horrifying There's Teaching History, And Then There's This Garbage. Their Lesson Was Horrifying Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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