All the changes coming to Apple's App Store in iOS 11 (AAPL)

apps, countless apps

When Apple's iOS 11 arrives this fall, its App Store will be getting a major overhaul. 

iOS 11, the latest version of the iPhone maker's mobile operating system, is full of plenty of new features and long-anticipated upgrades. But the App Store will change even more — it's getting a complete redesign.

Apple Music users may notice something familiar about the new App Store. The new interface bears a striking resemblance to the company's music app, complete with a bold typeface and an emphasis on images.

Beyond the design, though, Apple is making subtle changes to improve the experience of buying and downloading apps and games. 

Here are all the changes coming to the App Store this fall:

SEE ALSO: All the changes and new features coming to your iPhone's camera in iOS 11

Search will be improved.

Apple is making improvements to the App Store's search capabilities in iOS 11. Search results will now show you tips and tricks, lists, developers, and more. 


App pages will get a redesign.

Apple is overhauling the app pages in iOS 11, too. The pages will now make it easier to see ratings and reviews, check out in-app purchases, and watch video previews. 


The Today tab will show you what's new each day.

Apple wants the Today tab to serve as a "daily destination" in the App Store. The tab will house things like curated collections, how-to guides, and world premieres, and will be managed by App Store editors. 


See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Contributer : Tech Insider
All the changes coming to Apple's App Store in iOS 11 (AAPL) All the changes coming to Apple's App Store in iOS 11 (AAPL) Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, July 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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