This Celeb Was Harsh When He Reached For Her Dog, But Does She Have A Point?

I'm a huge dog lover, so whenever I come across one of these cuties, my first instinct is to reach out and pet them in greeting. While a lot of owners don't have any issue with strangers touching their dogs, some feel that it's inappropriate to do so without asking permission first -- including Jennifer Lawrence. The actress was recently leaving the LAX airport with her dog, Pippi, when a paparazzo from TMZ approached them. Lawrence reacted very strongly when the man reached out to Pippi, but was her negative response justified? Watch below and decide for After watching...

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This Celeb Was Harsh When He Reached For Her Dog, But Does She Have A Point? This Celeb Was Harsh When He Reached For Her Dog, But Does She Have A Point? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, July 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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