Do you CRO?

Chart of the Day: Which optimisation techniques are marketers using to create better experiences

I was doing a customer onboarding training session with one of our Business members last week and when I was talking to the digital marketing manager and team, our conversation quickly turned to what is a good conversion rate and the best techniques to improve it. Their UX specialist referred to it as 'crow' and it made me think how many people involved in marketing know or use this term for conversion rate optimisation. Since our research shows that despite its potential power to increase leads and sales, it's not as widely used as you might expect.

In our recent managing digital marketing report, we asked about a range of techniques used to research and improve customer journey effectiveness. It was good to see that techniques such as customer persona research and customer journey mapping were widely used and AB testing, the most important technique in CRO used to identify a better performing page alongside a control was alongside them in popularity. AB is now used by 48%, which is over double what is when we first asked in our first survey 3 years ago.

However, other techniques which are an essential part of CRO, such as visitor intent surveys, usability, and path analysis were much lower. It was also interesting how little multivariate testing is used since it isn't a new technique, although it is constrained by having sufficient visitors to run a statistically valid test.

Contributer : Smart Insights
Do you CRO? Do you CRO? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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