HTC cuts the price of its Vive VR headset to $599


Virtual reality got a lot cheaper this summer. Oculus sliced the price of its Rift VR headset to $399 in June, and now HTC has reduced the price of the competing Vive headset to $599. 

Besides the Vive headset and controllers, for the price you also get a 1-month free access to HTC Viveport subscription and three VR titles: Google Tilt Brush, Everest VR, Richie's Plank Experience. 

Reducing the price of Vive was a no-brainer for HTC since the price difference between the Vive and the Rift was just too large (both started at $800 at launch).  Read more...

More about Htc, Htc Vive, Tech, and Vr Ar

COntributer : Mashable

HTC cuts the price of its Vive VR headset to $599 HTC cuts the price of its Vive VR headset to $599 Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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