New Google doodle explains the science of a total solar eclipse, adorably


Just like almost everyone else in the United States, Google is amped about the total solar eclipse sweeping the nation on Monday. 

An adorable new doodle reimagines the solar eclipse not as the result of the orbital motion of heavenly bodies, but as the product of a game between two aliens tossing the moon in front of the sun. 

It's pretty cute. 

If you click on the doodle, Google takes you to a series of vertical videos (hello, Snapchat clone) that explain exactly what lunar and solar eclipses are and why they happen at all. 

This particular total solar eclipse is special for a number of reasons.  Read more...

More about Tech, Google, Space, Nasa, and Science

COntributer : Mashable

New Google doodle explains the science of a total solar eclipse, adorably New Google doodle explains the science of a total solar eclipse, adorably Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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