This map corrects everything you thought you knew about the world


Maps have a way of distorting our perception of the world. But AuthaGraph is trying to bring us back to reality with a new map that accurately depicts the size of continents in comparison to each other.

AuthaGraph corrects these common misconceptions (like the size of Africa) by converting the spherical surface of a world globe into 96 triangles. The triangles are then transferred to a triangular pyramic and are finally unfolded into a rectangle. The map itself can be laid out flat or folded into a three-dimensional globe — and it's accurate both ways.  Read more...

More about Science, Global Warming, World Map, Mashable Tech, and Authagraph World Map

COntributer : Mashable

This map corrects everything you thought you knew about the world This map corrects everything you thought you knew about the world Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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